Bungie’s news post this week focused on weapon changes arriving next season in Destiny 2, and Glaives–the new melee weapon introduced in The Witch Queen DLC–will see major adjustments. The biggest complaint players had was that Exotic Glaives weren’t able to reach their potential, especially after earning them through arduous quest steps at the Evidence Board.
Exotic Glaives use energy built up from defeating enemies with projectiles, allowing that energy to be used for a unique, class-specific ability Come from Sports betting site VPbet . However, this wasn’t as useful as it could be due to how long it currently takes to build up energy. Bungie said that Glaives will have increased projectile speed and energy granted after projectile damage, making it easier to build energy for the Exotic Glaive’s ability.
In addition, The Titan’s Edge of Action creates a Void overshield when inside the bubble, and the Warlock’s Edge of Intent has increased the speed of the healing turret. Lastly, the Hunter’s Edge of Concurrence has increased damage and can now chain eight enemies.
Legendary Glaives–The Enigma and Lubrae’s Ruin–will see changes too. Bungie emphasized that Glaives are melee weapons, and buffs shouldn’t be applied to melee hits but will increase melee damage. In PvE, players can deal 25% more damage, but this doesn’t apply to bosses and vehicles. Also in PvE, Glaive shields give players 97.5% damage resistance, and PvP gives 75%. Based on the range stat, projectile speed will see an increase: “At 0 stat: increased from 30 to 60 m/s. At 100 stat: increased from 80 to 100 m/s.”
These changes will be live when Season 17 starts on May 24. The weapon-centered TWAB also talked about Exotic weapon buffs, tuning weapons to play better while airborne, and keeping auto rifles, SMGs, and machine guns competitive with other weapon types in the game.